What does it cost to use trueCall38?
Zero; zilch; zip; nada; nothing at all ...
What if companies start blocking the number?
We'd love that – we're waiting for the first number to be put up on the
trueCall38 Wall of Shame. It will publicise the companies
that don't respect their customers' legitimate desire for privacy.
Is this a real problem?
If you need to enter a phone number to complete a form, but don't
want to, then what do you do? You don't want to put a random number
in as that may actually be someone's phone number. By using
trueCall38 you are making it very clear to the company that you value
your privacy, and they should do the same.
A form won't let me enter the full number
If the form won't let you enter the full number then 0333 88 88 88 8
(three threes, seven eights) will still work.
Is an 03 number a premium rate number?
No - calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to
an 01 or 02 number and count towards any inclusive minutes in the
same way as 01 and 02 calls. We don't make any money out of these
calls - the service is paid for by trueCall.
Why do companies ask for your phone number?
Good question. They rarely really need it, and you don't know what
they are going to do with it. So why do companies require you to
enter your phone number when they don't need it? Beats me ...
especially when the experts say that asking for a phone number can reduce the number of people who complete an online form by 25%.
Some companies sell phone numbers on to other companies, so
you don't know where your number will end up.
Isn't this dangerous – what if someone does need to get in contact
with you urgently?
Sure – if they need a mobile number to send you a text as part of their
validation process, or if it is a flight, or a form at a hospital they may
have a legitimate reason for asking for your phone number – you
decide when to use your real phone number and when to use
Don't they need these numbers – what if the theatre performance is
If the performance is going to be cancelled are they really going to call
2,000 people to tell them, or would they email them instead? Your
SmartPhone has email - right?